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How Eve Accidentally Infected Tom with the Flu: Understanding How the Flu Spreads and How to Protect Yourself.

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Eve sneezed, and within a few hours, Tom was already sniffing. They spent the weekend together and did not realize that Eve could infect Tom with the flu. Even though Eve was already ill with the flu, she showed no symptoms. By the time Eve was realising that she was sick, Tom had already caught the flu.

The seasons make different needs for the flu so different types of flu vaccines have been available. In as much as they are treated, not everyone has understood how to contract the virus. Close quarters are what facilitate the flu virus and when one person gets it, you will find others in contact with other people also coming down with it quickly. People do not accept the fact that they might spread the illness even when it has not been obvious to them, with no symptoms being shown. You can begin spreading the flu a day before symptoms appear, and you may remain contagious for up to a week after falling ill.

Flu symptoms, such as fever, chills, and coughing, usually appear about two days after infection. However, during that period, you are already spreading the virus. Tongue becomes most HTC (Highly Transmittable Contagious), 3-4 days after someone is sick, but flu spread risk for up to 7 days after that. Contagion is likely to persist in children and in those whose immunity is weakened.

Getting an annual influenza flu shot is the most effective measure against flu. Moreover, effective hand hygiene including thorough washing of hands, social distancing from ill individuals, and keeping of hands keeping your hands away from your face can also be very helpful. If one has influenza, it would be ideal to stay home until you’ve been fever-free for at least 24 hours without medication, as this helps reduce the risk of spreading the flu to others.

Family, friends, and patients at a health facility spread the virus through droplets produced whilst coughing, sneezing, or talking. The virus can reach individuals as far as six feet. You can start shedding the virus a day before you begin to experience any symptoms of the disease affecting you. Also, you could stay contagious for between three to seven days with some patients after they have fallen ill.

In case of an influenza outbreak, visit the nearest clinic to get treatment. Using antiviral medications within 3 days of the onset of proactive flu symptoms can help reduce the flu discomfort. Most importantly, stay at home, lay low and do not spread the flu to people around you.

Just like Eve and Tom, the flu is highly communicable and spreads at a great speed. It is important to take preventive measures to cut it off from further outbreaks.

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